Waterpreneurs Is Empowering South Africans With Water And Health
How To Fire Your Boss, Become Your Own Boss, Without Worrying About Making Enough Money

With the Waterpreneur Program we are going to help employees, fire their boss, become their own boss and take back control of their time so that they can do what they love when they want to without worrying about how they are going to pay for it!
Some of our best Waterpreneurs in action:

Waterpreneur Testimonials
“Thank you Mr John Thompson. I would like to thank you for the opportunity you are giving to us. You give us powerful skills and a quality product to enable us to empower ourselves. You are my inspiration and I have come this far because of the powerful presentation you offer to us. Your product also is helping a lot of people to change their lives health-wise. A big thank you to you, Mr John Thompson.”
Cebolenkosi Hector Cheeseman
“Hi John Thompson. I just want to thank you personally. I made R 10 000. But I'm doing my best. My life is slowly changing. My house always looked like a dump site. I could never afford to paint inside out. My dear, I just painted the entire house. This month I want to tile it up. It looks small but to me, this us so much. Once again thank you so much.
This is my testimony. Thank you so much, John Thompson. God bless you abundantly.
Please teach me more?? You are my life and game changer????”
Gina Gabriel
“Hello fellow Waterpereneurs, I would just like to first congratulate each and every one of my new colleagues, friends, a family that made it through the exciting yet exhausting day at RSA Centurion. The experience was uncharted waters and I am sure most of you felt the same. We have learned A LOT of new ways to use our Energy to create future success, and this is my wish to you that you make a success of this great opportunity knowledge and experience is something that nobody can take away from us.
I think what most of us USED to lack is how to be UNfuckwithable as this seems to be the biggest recall. We all have sadness, rage, hurt, and brokenness in us. Let's use that to be awesome! Can I get two high fives for John Thompson if that's okay John? You, Sir, can be so proud of yourself. What you did for us is amazing, inspiring and an example to be. A true role model. Thank you!
This will not of course not be the last you hear from me as I have so much to still learn from you. The most amazing feeling is to know we are some of the first that is going to make history with your epic product.
Who knows maybe we will convert to Vegans someday, highly doubt it as us Boertjies loves our Braai and Brannewyn.
Let's change the world, one healthy habit at a time!”
Glen Kasselman
About Us
When it comes to manufacturing Alkaline Water, no other company in Africa makes the same quality and purity that Designer Water does.
Designer Water has won two awards in the prestigious MEA Business Awards.
- The most innovative bottled water company in Africa
- Best Alkaline Water production company in South Africa
Address: Unit C, Alphen Square West, Cnr George and 15th Road, Randjespark, 1685
Phone: 087 550 1231
Email: info@designerwater.com
Our Services
When it comes to internationally recognized certifications for the quality we hold ISO 22000, SANBWA, GFSI, SANAS, Halaal, and Kosher certifications.
We are committed to quality. We are committed to making a difference in our communities. We are committed to making the best alkaline water.